The purpose of the Lamar library is to provide students and staff with access to books and other learning resources.
Students visit the library once a month with their ELA class. They may also visit before school, and during classes with a pass from their teacher. There is a book drop directly outside the library for students to return books at any time.
Students may check out two books for two weeks. The library does not collect overdue fines. A flat fee of $20, paid to the Lamar library, is owed for lost books.
Parents, library checkouts and shelving are completed by student aides. For this reason, we do not need volunteers during most of the school year. Parents are always welcome to volunteer during our Scholastic Book Fair, however. Notification will go out through Blend and through the principal's weekly communication for volunteer signups.
Dates to Know for 2023-24
Author visit: Neal Shusterman, November 10, 2023
Book fair: December 4-8, 2023
Apply to be a library aide: January 2024

Questions? Email librarian Tara Bowman at