School Policies

School Policies

Arrival and Dismissal

School begins at 8:20 a.m. and dismisses at 3:50 p.m. The first bell sounds at 8:15 a.m. for students to make their way to 1st/5th period. We provide supervision for students from 7:55 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Students arriving before 7:55 a.m. must wait in front of the school. From 7:55 a.m. – 8:15 a.m., all students needing breakfast and all 6th graders must be in the cafeteria. All 7th and 8th graders will report to the big gym. Tutoring is available from 7:55 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. At the sound of the first bell, all students must make their way to 1st/5th period. The tardy bell sounds at 8:20 a.m. Once a student arrives on campus, they must remain until the dismissal bell unless a parent or guardian officially checks them out. After school, students must leave campus by 4:00 p.m., unless they are under a teacher’s direct supervision or are waiting in front of the school for a ride. All students must be picked up no later than 4:15 p.m.


Parents and the business community are encouraged to visit the school. For the safety and security of our students and staff, we require all visitors to sign in at the front office and to obtain a visitor’s badge. Student visitors from other schools are not permitted during school hours, with the exception of tours allowing them to visit the campus. Parents or legal guardians may request to shadow their child in class with a 24-hour notification (at least 1 school day) through their child’s counselor or grade level administrator. Parent shadowing is determined at the discretion of the school and may be overridden at any time by the campus principal. We do not currently offer shadowing for students outside of Lamar.


Attendance is essential for students to take full advantage of their learning opportunities. When returning to school after an absence, the reason for an absence must be presented in writing to the attendance office within 2 days following the absence. The parent note must be signed and include a current date, student number, grade level, date of absence(s), reason for absence(s), and a telephone number where a parent/guardian may be contacted. Students may not write their own notes, regardless of age, without legal documentation. A phone call does not replace the need for written documentation. A student may be excused from an absence for an approved reason with documentation. The principal may also excuse absences for extenuating circumstances. All other absences will not be excused. It is the student’s responsibility to ask teachers about missed work. However, if a student will be out for more than three days, a parent may call the counselor’s secretary before 10:00 a.m. on the second day and request assignments from the teachers. Please allow at least one day for teachers to gather the assignments and get them to the registrar. Requested assignments can be picked up after 3:00 p.m. Attendance is compulsory according to Texas state law. State law mandates that a student must be in attendance 90% of the days a class is offered. SEE AISD COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE POLICIES. or Secondary_ Attendance Back to School (English _ Spanish) 1.pdf

Leaving Campus

Students who plan to leave school during the day must bring a signed written excuse from home with date and time they will be leaving and give it to the office before first period. At that time, students will be given a Permit to Leave Slip allowing him/her to leave class at the designated time to meet his/her parent or guardian in the front office. All students leaving campus during the school day must be signed out in the front office by a parent or guardian. There will be no pick-ups between 3:30 and the end of the school day unless a note has been sent with the student that morning. photo ID is required to check out your student from school and students will only be released to individuals who are authorized on the students’ registration card (SR290). Students dropped off on campus by school bus, parent or walk-on must remain on campus until dismissal or with authorization from the school. Leaving campus without authorization from the school will result in disciplinary action.

Personal Property at School

Coats, backpacks, instruments, and other articles of value should be labeled with the student’s name. Students should not bring items of value to school that are not directly related to class activities, such as game systems, electronics, or collectible items. If brought to campus, they are the sole responsibility of the student to keep safe. There is a “Lost-and-Found” area in the office for missing items. All items will be stored in the office for at least 3 weeks. Unclaimed items will be donated at the end of each semester. The school is not responsible for lost or unclaimed.

Device Policy

All cell phones and electronic devices (with the exception of district provided technology or BYOD performing school work in the classroom) must remain turned off and remain in backpacks from 8:20 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.

Consequences for using a device during the school day will be as follows:

1. First offense: device will be confiscated and brought to the front office. Students may retrieve at the end of the day from an administrator.

2. Second offense: device will be confiscated and brought to the front office. A parent must retrieve the phone from an administrator.

3. Third offense: device will be confiscated and brought to the front office. A parent must retrieve the phone from an administrator no earlier than the following school day.  
4. Fourth offense: device will be confiscated and brought to the front office. A parent must retrieve the phone from an administrator no earlier than the following school day.  A $15 administrative fee (cash only) will be collected.

Student Discipline Expectations

Please read the Student Code of Conduct for behavior expectations.