Nurse/Health Policies




The nurse is available on a part time basis for students with medical emergencies and problems arising during the day. Students who become ill during the school day and need to see the nurse must receive a pass from their teachers. If the nurse is not in, students should report to the main office for assistance. Nurse’s hours are posted on the nurse’s door. The school nurse or school personnel will not supply any type of medication. If it becomes necessary for a student to take any form of medication (over-the-counter or prescription), parents must sign a permission slip for the school to administer the medication. Medications must be in the original bottle with the proper dosage on the label. Nurses cannot administer herbal remedies (non-FDA approved medications) to students. Short-term medication must have a written note of explanation from the parent. Students are never to have prescription or over-the-counter medications in their possession, including storage in backpacks, purses, or lockers.


Immunizations Grades K-12

The Texas Department of Health has ruled that students must be current with immunizations in order to attend school unless an exemption has been filed with the school in accordance with Texas Education Code . Parents may fax or mail the updated immunization record and delinquency letter to their child's school or, if the school is closed for the summer, records can be faxed to 512-406-6543 or mailed to Children's / AISD Health Services at 1345 Philomena St. Suite 300. 

Download the 2020-21 Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades K – 12 from the Texas Department of State Health Services website.

For more information related to school immunization compliance, including exclusions / exemptions from immunizations, please refer to The TX DSHS Provisional Enrollment for Students Flowchart , or visit the Texas Department of State Health Services Immunization Branch website. For the most up-to-date immunization resources, please call 211 or visit the Texas Health and Human Services 211 resource webpage .

For assistance with additional questions, please contact your school nurse or call Austin ISD Health Services at 512-324-0195.

Campus Health Forms

Covid-19 Updates

Student Mental Health