6th Grade News

Frequently Asked Questions for Incoming Students

**IMPORTANT NOTE: **Buses are not available to those who are not zoned to Lamar (i.e. transfer students attending the FAA or DL programs outside of Lamar's boundaries)**

 Flyer for Transition Camp and Google Form Here!


Please review the flyer and then signup using the Google Form.




Chromebooks: Your student will be receiving their district-supplied Chromebook during the first two weeks of school. In the meantime, teachers will plan accordingly to provide paper-based assignments and homework.

School supplies/lists: You can find basic school supplies for incoming sixth graders here, though PLEASE NOTE that each teacher *may* have a list of needed supplies/required items for their specific class needs the first week of school in addition to those listed in the list above. School supply lists are not available for 7th & 8th grade at this time, though the list above provides a starting point. Teachers of 7th & 8th grade students will be sending home required school supply lists the first week of school.

Schedules: Students will receive class schedules on the first day of school during Scottie Seminar. When students enter the campus, they will be directed to find their name on an alphabetical list and report to the classroom listed by their name. This classroom is where they will have Scottie Seminar and is where they will receive their class schedule. Teachers will provide a mini lesson on how to interpret their class schedule, determine their lunch period, and find their classes on a school map.

Communication: There is a known delay with parent/caregiver emails transferring over into the Lamar communications system. The district is aware of this delay and is working to rectify it. Hopefully, you will start receiving emails soon. Please reference the Lamar Website for announcements in the meantime.  

Buses: Buses are available to those students zoned to Lamar and living within the distance requirements. You can check if your child(ren) qualifies and where your nearest bus location and pick-up/drop-off time is here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: **Buses are not available to those who are not zoned to Lamar (i.e. transfer students attending the FAA or DL programs outside of Lamar's boundaries)**

Lockers: Students will receive lockers tentatively during the 2nd week of school. If your student is interested in having a locker for 2023-24 school year, they will need to bring a combination lock to campus on the day lockers are distributed. Please encourage your student to practice opening and closing their lock before bringing it to school. In order to receive a locker, they will need to show their Scottie Seminar teacher that they know how to open and close it. Students will receive more information on the procedure of receiving a locker during their Scottie Seminar class, but it will be an easy process and we always have plenty of lockers for students who want one. 

Schedule changes: Schedule changes will only be allowed based on placement changes (i.e. auditioned and placed into a higher dance/choir/band/etc. class, placed in advanced instead of accelerated, etc.), NOT for a change in elective preferences. This will be handled by your grade-level counselor, and at their discretion.

Will students receive planners this year? Planners are not being purchased this school year. If your student could benefit from the use of a planner, you will need to purchase one on your own. Depending on the personality of your student, a planner may be too much. A simple notebook to keep track of assignments or a "To-Do List" notepad may be easier for your student to manage.

What is the uniform for P.E. classes? Physical education uniform shorts will be available to purchase during the student's physical education class period. The cost of the uniform shorts is $10. Students do not need to dress out the first week of school. Further instructions will be communicated during the first week of school by your student's physical education teacher. 

Where can I find a copy of the A/B & Bell Schedule? Both can be found here.

Where can I find a copy of the school map? You can familiarize with campus prior to the first day by using this map

Does Lamar have a dress code? Yes, you can find the dress code here.

When is picture day? Information on picture day and retakes can be found here

Where can I find information about purchasing this year's yearbook? You can find information about yearbook pre-orders here. We recommend purchasing ASAP, as last year we sold a record amount of yearbooks and will likely sell out quickly!