Upcoming Dates
Mon, 10/10 - CAC Meeting, 5pm (Library)
Mon, 10/10 - PTA Meeting, 6pm (Library)
Mon, 10/10 - Lamar Football v. Garcia, 6p
Weds, 10/12 - GSA Club, 3:55p (Library)
Friday, 10/14 - No School - Staff Development
Mon, 10/17 - Lamar Fine Arts Academy/Magnet Program Common Application Opens
Mon, 11/7 - PSAT 8 administered on campus
Tues, 11/8 - No School - Staff Development
Our students had a great week showing off their school spirit! Friday was Jorts and Jersey Day! (No worries if you had to Google "Jorts" like I did.)
See carousel images below.
Homecoming Dance!
Last night was the first dance of the year! Students showed their unique style in dress and dancing. A HUGE shout out to Coach. Ballee, Coach Gratz, Coach McGrath, Coach Perez, and Coach Trainer for all their hard work planning for Homecoming week. They did it all from the themes to organizing the dance! Another thank you to the teachers (Ms. Kennell, Coach Rowland, Ms. Neal, Ms. Caudle, Ms. Bell, Mr. Kinscherff) who chaperoned the night. We also could not have done it without our countless parent volunteers!
Last shout out to our very own Levon R (7th grade) who was the DJ for both dances! He kept the fun going with his mix of music!
Staffing Update
Mr. Grant Kinscherff (grant.kinscherff@austinisd.org) started this week as the 7th grade Texas History and 8th grade US History teacher. He recently graduated from Trinity University where he did his student teaching (and played Rugby). Mr. Kinscherff kicked off his first week in classrooms and helping chaperone the Homecoming Dance. He is excited to join the Scottie Family and we are thrilled to have him join us!
Lamar also has a new School Resource Officer (SRO)! Officer Dori Livingston comes to Lamar with 25+ years of law enforcement experience with DPS, Austin ISD PD, and Round Rock ISD PD. She is committed to her priority of keeping Lamar staff, students, and community safe as well as building connections. She has already started a bike safety campaign!
Welcome Mr. Kinshcherff and Ofc. Livingston!
PSAT 8/9
Austin ISD is excited to share that 8th grade students will be taking the PSAT 8/9 on November 7, 2022 during the school day at zero cost to our students and parents.
The PSAT 8/9 is a standardized test that eighth and ninth graders take during the regular school day. It’s the first test in the SAT Suite of Assessments, which also includes the PSAT/NMSQT, and the SAT which is a national college entrance exam.
While the test is only available to 8th graders, the campus schedule will need to be adjusted. We will release the altered schedule as we finalize details of the day.
Parents of 8th graders will receive a more detailed letter about the test administration as well as opt out letter, which are also attached at the end of the Bark.
Get The Bark via Text!
We are trying something new this week and texting The Bark as well. I'm hearing from families that sometimes the emails do not come through. Be sure to check out the instructions for updating preferences in the messenger system at the end of this newsletter.
1st Nine Weeks Grading Period
It’s hard to believe that the first grading period is almost over! Friday, October 7th is the last day to turn in any late assignments still being accepted by teachers. This allows teachers enough time to provide feedback and update grades.
Grading period ends on October 14th (which is a student holiday).
Food Delivery Reminders
We are unable to accept food deliveries from services such as UberEats and DoorDash. Lamar is not responsible for costs incurred for deliveries that have been turned away.
Food is available for purchase in the cafeteria. Set up your account today at SchoolCafe.com.
Device Policy Reminders
Personal electronic devices must be off and out of sight from 8:20 am to 3:50 pm.
Consequences for using a device during class will be as follows:
First offense: Device will be confiscated and brought to the front office. Students may retrieve at the end of the day from an administrator.
Second offense: Device will be confiscated and brought to the front office. A parent must retrieve the phone from an administrator.
Third offense: Students will be placed on a device contract.
Please note that consequences are per student. This means that if a student has their airpods taken up one day and then their phone another, a parent must retrieve the phone.
We thank you for your cooperation in helping our teachers and staff maintain the learning environment.
Campus Security Reminders
As a reminder, all visitors to campus must sign in to the main office. Only individuals on the students' registration form will be allowed access to the child.
When arriving to Lamar to check in, visitors ring the button at the main entrance. We ask that you support us in allowing one person/group at a time and not to "piggy-back" off.
Thank you for helping us keep Lamar students and staff safe!
Office Hours
Office Hours with teachers are held Tuesdays through Fridays from 7:55 am to 8:15 am. Students may obtain a pass from either the front foyer or their morning location. Be sure to check with your teacher for specific days office hours are held.
Lamar has an amazing community supporting our teachers, staff, and students. Stay tuned for information on how to volunteer in the office, at lunch, or in other ways at Lamar.
If you are interested in volunteering, the first step is completing an application with Austin Partners in Education.
What? We're reading Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty. Students must finishing reading before Oct. 21. We'll eat donuts and talk about the story that morning. There is one copy in the library and one copy on Sora App. If those are checked out, students can borrow/find/buy a copy to get it read. I always try to pick popular enough titles that someone on a neighborhood social media site might have a copy lying around.
When? Friday, Oct. 21 at 7:30 am
Where? Students come to the front door. Mrs. Bowman will let your student in.
How? Your student MUST sign up on the Lamar Library Blend page to attend. Click the yellow Donuts + Debrief button. Does it say it's no longer accepting responses? We're full!
Didn't make it in? Want to join but don't like this particular book? Don't worry! A new book and new signup will be announced October 21 after the first meeting. Email any further questions to tara.bowman@austinisd.org
Announcements from Teachers
Congratulations to our BOB Award winners! At the end of the quarter, 6 art students have their work chosen as the Best Of the Best. The work is mounted and put on display at the front of the school. The students receive an award certificate, Jerry's Artarama gift card, and a sketchbook! Well done students!

To all 7th and 8th grade girls interested in participating in basketball:
Our first practice will be held on Monday, October 17 from 3:50 - 6:00 in the gym. You will need a completed physical form on file, all online paperwork completed in RankOneSport, t-shirt, shorts, and athletic shoes. We hope to see you on Monday, October 17.
-Coach Potter
No text in images. Use links.
Students, are you interested in applying to the Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA)? LASA will be visiting Lamar on Wednesday, October 19th, at 9AM. This session is for 8th Grade STUDENTS only. Parents will be able to attend the LASA Roadshow later this semester.
If you are interested in learning more about the application process for LASA, please complete this form. The deadline to submit is Friday, October 14th.
A pass will be sent to your first period class prior to the session.
If you'd like to learn more about LASA, please visit their school website.
Lamar Courtesy Fund
Donate to our staff courtesy fund! With this fund, we
- aim for a couple of breakfasts on teacher workdays
- purchase a cake each month to celebrate birthdays
- set up a lunch before Thanksgiving Break
- hold some kind of event before Winter Break
- buy flowers for teachers leaving our school at the end of the year
and more!
We need your help. Donate any amount, no matter how small, and our hearts will swell with gratitude! Completely unrelated: It should be acknowledged that finding spaces for staff parties in December is akin to getting your printer to air print (harder than it ought to be!).

Yearbooks-Past and Present
$35 until December 31
Last Day to Purchase: February 1st
PURCHASE LINK: https://www.balfour.com/texas/austin/lamar-middle-school/yearbook-packages
Yearbooks of the Past!
These last few years have been hectic, so maybe you forgot to order a yearbook for your awesome student! Well, you're in luck!
We have LIMITED numbers of yearbooks from the past 2 school years available to purchase.
Read information below:
- LAST YEAR (21-22) (Current 7th or 8th graders)- $40; about 50 left
- 2 YEARS AGO (20-21) (Current 8th graders)- $20; about 15 left
Your student can stop by room 206 on Wednesday's during tutoring hours (in the morning) or Scottie Seminar to purchase. We will accept cash or check. This will be on a first-come basis, we will not hold any!
Lamar is getting a ....Photography Club
Meeting Bi-Weekly, starting Thursday October 20 from 4:00-4:45pm.
Fill out this form ahead of our first meeting: https://forms.gle/7hAEWBZ2m1HDCR367
Visual Art Major Meetings: First Thursday of every month and will begin at 7:55am in room 506. ALL VA MAJORS SHOULD ATTEND! The first meeting is especially important. This meeting is for students only (sorry parents!)
Oct 6, Nov 3, Dec 1, Jan 12, Feb 2, March 2, April 6 (bring your purple folder to this meeting), May 4
Open Studios:
Mr. Perkins' Open Studio Dates: 3:50-5:00 in room 504
October 5, November 2, December 7, Jan 11, Feb. 1, and March 1
*March 1 is for photographing work only*
Ms. Thomas' Open Studio Dates: 3:50-5:00 in room 506
October 12, November 9, December 14, Jan 18, Feb. 8, and March 8
*March 8 is for photographing work only*
Ms. Acevedo's Open Studio Dates: 3:50-5:00 in room 504
October 19, November 16, December 21, Jan 18, Feb. 15, and March 22
*March 22 is for photographing work only*
Visual Art Parent Booster meetings:
In room 506 from 4:00-5:00 on Oct. 26, Nov. 30, Jan 25, and Feb 22. This is for parents only. Visual Art Majors who have parents attending may work on their Jr. Vase project in 504. Thank you!
Lamar MS Advanced theatre presents
Greek Mythology Olympiaganza by Don Zolidis
October 12 & 13, 2022
6:30pm & 7:30pm
AISD PAC Blackbox
$5 Adults $3 Students
Lamar Guitar has submitted the following entry for the AISD Hispanic Heritage Month video contest. Can you help us win?? Please click on the video and “like” the original video on YouTube from AISD - Educa Austin. 🙏 Thank you! I hope you enjoy the video.
" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">
Lamar's dance department is currently in need of donations of facial tissue/kleenex. These can be dropped off in the office. Thank you!
Join Lamar's Dance Guild to support the dance department at
Help spread The Bark
The Bark is now distributed through AISD's School Messenger. Be sure your settings allow for campus messages. You can check your settings under "My Messages" in the Parent Portal.
Click here for a step by step tutorial.
Secret Pals
Please help us support our Lamar Staff and sign up to be a Secret Pal!
Join us for at Hat Creek Burger Company to support the Lamar Middle School Band
5400 Burnet Rd., Austin TX 78756
Monday, Oct. 17, 5-8pm
Place your receipts in the bucket at the register or the drive-thru and 10% of the sales will go to the band booster. Tell your Friends and neighbors! Thanks for supporting the LMS Band students!