Scotties' News

The Bark: Early release; Homecoming; Girls basketball tryouts

smore Upcoming Dates Sun, 10/2 - National Custodian Day

The Bark: Early release; Volunteers needed; Classical guitar; Science Club

We are trying something new this week and texting The Bark as well. I'm hearing from families that sometimes the emails do not come through. Be sure to check out the instructions for updating preferences in the messenger system at the end of this newsletter.

The Bark: 6th Grade Parent/Caregiver Virtual Seminar; after school clubs; yearbooks

We would like to invite you to a Scottie Seminar information session on Tuesday, Sept. 20th to answer your pending questions and give you more information regarding frequently asked topics.

The Bark: Staff Updates; Lunch Updates; Schedule changes & leveling

Every year during Sept/October, staffing allocations are reviewed district-wide based on student enrollment. We recently learned that we lost teaching allocations based on our current enrollment. We were able to absorb most of the positions through unscheduled vacancies.

The Bark: Back To School Night Approaching

We had the NJHS Induction ceremony, volleyball games, MAP Growth testing, club meetings, Choir social, and more! Be sure to check out the entire newsletter for Back To School Night information..

The Bark: Weekly Update

I invited Lt. Pickford and Sgt. Barnes from the Austin ISD Police Department out to campus this week to observe our dismissal process. After their observation, we continue to encourage students who are eligible to ride the bus to do so.

The Bark: Week One is in the bag!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful first week of school. We were so excited to welcome our students to Lamar! We spent a lot of time this week building connections and learning routines and procedures. Students were eager to dive into learning new materials, instruments, and sports. The first few newsletters are typically filled with information. Be sure to read to the end to catch announcements from teachers about picture day, clubs, and more!

The Bark: Back To School Edition 2.0

Teachers and staff have been working hard all week to prepare to welcome our students. This week's newsletter is laid out to walk students through their first few days at Lamar. At the end, there is other important and helpful information.